Psychology Question: Counseling Interracial Couples and FamiliesType of document: Research Paper
PsychologySources: 10, APAInstructions: *** I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF IN TEXT CITATIONS!!PREVIOUSLY PURCHASED PAPER WAS FLAGGED AS UNINENTIONAL PLAGARISMDUE TO THE LACK OF IN TEXT CITATION. PLEASE, PLEASE PUT AN INTEXT CITATION AFTER EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION THAT CAME FROM ASOURCE. THE MORE IN TEXT CITATIONS THE BETTER!!!!!!**************** The final paper must be 10–12 pages (not including the titlepage, abstract page, or reference pages). The paper must include a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed and academicjournal resources. Academic journals can be easily accessedthrough Liberty University’s online library. A librarian isavailable to assist online students. The articles should be datedwithin the past 5 years. Remember that information from generic websites (e.g., Wikipedia, will not count towards the minimum of 10 sourcesrequired in the paper. Rely on peer-reviewed resources easilyaccessed through Liberty University’s online library. Do not include pictures, charts, or graphs in the final paper. The required components that must be included in the paper: • Title page • Abstract page • Body of 10–12 pages • Reference page The paper must follow current APA format guidelines. *** I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH THE IMPORTANCE OF IN TEXT CITATIONS!!PREVIOUSLY PURCHASED PAPER WAS FLAGGED AS UNINENTIONAL PLAGARISMDUE TO THE LACK OF IN TEXT CITATION. PLEASE, PLEASE PUT AN INTEXT CITATION AFTER EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION THAT CAME FROM ASOURCE. THE MORE IN TEXT CITATIONS THE BETTER!!!!!!****************
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Psychology Question: Counseling Interracial Couples and FamiliesType of document: Research Paper was first posted on June 30, 2020 at 10:58 pm.
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