Research proposal paper Students must craft a practical research proposal that is aimed at addressin

Research proposal paper Students must craft a practical research proposal that is aimed at addressin


Research proposal paper
Students must craft a practical research proposal that is aimed at addressing some sort of social issue related to California State University, Chico. The research must be explanatory and must utilize, at least in part, quantitative methods (i.e., surveys, experiments, etcetera). This is a proposal only, so the data collection described in the paper will be speculative and will not be conducted. However, the paper should serve as an exact guide that would allow anyone to conduct that research, following your specifications and advice. Remember to describe your project in detail, showing off your research methods knowledge.
10 Through-out the first half of the semester, a sizable percentage of online time will be spent engaged in discussions on students research projects. For example, this is a brief list of some of the different discussions that will help students formulate their projects:
What do you want to learn with sociological research?
Is there an interesting sociological theory you would like to explore or test? What research project related to CSU Chico do you wish to do?
What are (at least) five research studies that deal with your research topic? How will you locate and/or sample people for your study?
What data collection methodology will you use for your project?
General requirements:
Double-spaced pages, with 1 inch margins; Times New Roman, 12 point font
Due: the last day of class instruction (Thursday December 8 @ 11:59pm), submitted
online via BlackBoard
No page minimum or maximum (but a reasonable range would be 5 to 15 pages) Utilize the section structure listed below (e.g., #1 through #5)
Detailed proposal requirements and components:
1. Overview and statement of research problem
What topic/social issue is to be interrogated/addressed?
What is the research question?
What is the purpose of the research? What do the goals of your research involve? Why should anyone care?
Why are you personally interested in your topic and how you choose it?
How will your research contribute to the existing literature?
Are there any ethical/political/moral concerns related to you topic/project?
2. Theory and literature review
What is the theoretical paradigm and theory/theories used in your proposal?
What are the major theoretical concepts being researched in your proposal?
Explain the patterns in the existing research literature that relates to your research
question? (include a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed social science journal articles) o What have been the general findings in previous research?
3. Variables and hypotheses (or casual hypotheses)
How are the relevant phenomena conceptualized and operationalized?
What validity, reliability, and generalizability concerns does the research involve? What hypotheses are involved in the study?
o The hypotheses must (a) relate two or more variables, in a (b) statement of interrelationship.
4. Design: sampling and data collection
What is the study population?
What sampling design will be used?
What does your sampling design involve? How will the study population be accessed?
What data collection method(s) does the research use?
Why is this approach the best method for your research problem?
How will questions be worded?
Are there any foreseeable logistical concerns the study might encounter?
o i.e., funding, time limitations, accessing sample population, etc. 5. References
Use American Sociological Association citation styles for both in-text citations and References section
The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created. The classroom with all its limitations remains a location of possibility. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labour for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. This is education as the practice of freedom.
– bell hooks, feminist



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