Rhetoric 101: Essay #1
Rhetorical Analysis
Length: 750 words minimum/ 850 words maximum
Due Date: September 29th by 7:05 AM
Desired Learning Outcomes:
1. Formulate an original thesis based on critical reading and understanding of a selected text (use handout).
2. Understand and apply the strategies of rhetorical analysis (Chapter 6, EA) as ways of organizing and developing ideas.
3. Use quotations and paraphrases correctly as supporting evidence from the source materials, incorporating tags for voice and the
correct punctuation NOTE: Quoting and documentation are mandatory for this assignment; if they are lacking, the paper will fail.
4. To focus on paragraph coherence in integrating sources in paragraphs for support.
5. To use the MLA style of parenthetical documentation for quotation and paraphrases. Most handbooks recommend that 10-15% (no
more or less) of the word count of the paper should be direct quotation.
6. Include a Work Cited page in proper MLA format consisting of your chosen source.
7. Use proper grammar throughout essay.
**Please consult Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) as a resource while creating your Works Cited Page
For this essay, which consists of rhetorically analyzing a single source and evaluating the effectiveness of the argument. You need to
choose a source from the assigned readings in class.
You will close read your source and make notes regarding the argument and how it is made. You will then craft a thesis statement that
identifies the argument, how that argument is made, and evaluates the effectiveness of that argument. We will practice thesis
statements in class after discussing the sources.
In the body of your essay, you will then rhetorically analyze the elements of the argument in order to support this thesis, making sure
to use enough evidence from the text.
Keep in mind the elements of an argument and examples of what to evaluate from EA Chapter 6.
You must include an analysis of:
| Ethos |
| Pathos |
Logos A fallacy (either identify a fallacy within your source OR identify a fallacy that the opposition to your source might fall into. |
This can be done in the body paragraphs or perhaps in the conclusion)
If you have questions, ask.
* Review the two structures identified below in order to think about essay organization.
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