Rough Draft Outline (requires more expansion beyond bullets listed)
Rough Draft Outline (requires more expansion beyond bullets listed)
:The issue posed by compassion fatigue has proven detrimental and requires change to be implemented and adapted to address this
-what is compassion fatigue
-real world account/opener
-Why this issue is pertinent
-address need for change
P1 how does the nursing field promote compassion fatigue
-work conditions
-turnover rates
-does larger pay fix the issue?
P2 How it affects patients care and outcomes
-stress alleviation techniques
-improve workplace
-nursing implications
Must include APA format /citation reference list from( 8-10 Nursing Journals)
No plagiarism
Please include these sources with in-text citations
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."