Schultz, D.P., & Schultz, S.E. (2012). A History of Modern Psychology, (Ed. 10th).
Schultz, D.P., & Schultz, S.E. (2012). A History of Modern Psychology, (Ed. 10th).
- Chapter 6, Functionalism: Antecedent Influences
- Chapter 7, Functionalism: Development and Founding
- Chapter 8, Applied Psychology: The Legacy of Functionalism
There are five parts to this assignment. Include in your approximately 1000 word (4 page) paper the following:
- In two pages, discuss and critique Darwin’s evolutionary theory.
- Include a paragraph discussing the Zeitgeist of the times, that led to the development of Darwin’s theory.
- Briefly discuss Darwin’s worldview in another paragraph.
- Outline in a paragraph or two, how Darwin’s evolutionary theory does or does not fit into your worldview.
- Next, discuss how Darwin’s theory influenced and shaped the functionalist movement in psychology.
- Last, describe applied psychology and how applied psychology is different from functionalism.
Additional Instructions:
- Remember to keep your focus narrow when discussing the theorists, only discussing the most important points of their theories and/or concepts.
- In order to earn maximum points for this assignment, include an introductory paragraph (thesis statement and main points) and a concluding paragraph (summarization of the topics, along with a strong concluding statement).
- Include both a title and reference page with your sources.
- Assignment should be approximately 1000 words (4 pages) long and follow APA formatting style.
- Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced.
- Must include in your paper at least 2-3 citations from both videos, your textbook and any additional outside sources, which are optional
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