STAT6003 : Statistics for Financial Decisions
STAT6003 : Statistics for Financial Decisions
Assessment Tasks:
• Find a reliable source of raw statistical data recently published in an area that interests you. Reliable sources would be for example published research studies, Australian Bureau of Statistics, international organisations such as International Monetary Fund.
• Use appropriate graphical methods to present your data. Include a brief bullet point explanation of the information presented in the graphs as well as brief commentary on the appropriateness of the graphical methods used.
• Based on the nature of your data, use appropriate numerical descriptive measures to analyse and interpret your data. Include a brief bullet point explanation of the choice of the measures as well as interpretation of their results.
• Make sure you include references to the source of your data and include the data file used.
• The second part of the assessment is to present your assessment piece to the class during your tutorial time.
• This is designed to access your understanding of the concepts you have applied in Part A and also demonstrate your communication skills to your audience.
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Learning Rubric: Assessment 2
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Numerical Presentation of Data
25% Failed to provide the numerical descriptive measures for the data provided. Little or no explanation provided.
Shows limited understanding of the numerical descriptive measures and the most of the calculations are incorrect and wrongly interpreted. Shows some understanding of the numerical descriptive measures, however some mistakes in calculations and interpretations are present.
Shows adequate knowledge of the descriptive numerical measures and explains them appropriately. Some minor mistakes in calculations may be present.
Student shows superior knowledge of the numerical descriptive measures with an excellent interpretation. No mistakes in calculations are
Graphical Presentation of Data
There is little or no understanding of the graphical presentation of data.
The student either failed to present the data in appropriate form or no graphs were provided.
The graphs are missing interpretation.
Majority of the graphs are snot appropriate for the type of the data used.
The presentation of the graphs is not the best and does not give the reader a good picture of what is being presented.
The graphs are missing interpretation.
Majority of the graphs are correct while some may not be the most appropriate for the type of the data presented.
Graphs are well presented, narrated and interpreted.
The student has shown a good working knowledge of the graphical presentation methodologies, the methods used are appropriate to the data presented.
Graphs include appropriate titles, are correctly narrated and interpreted.
The data has been processed and presented in excellent quality. The methods used show complete understanding of the graphical presentation of data covered in the course.
The student has used appropriate narration and interpretation, the graphs are presented in an excellent quality.
Explanation of the appropriateness of the descriptive Explanation provided is incorrect and does not prove an understanding of The has provided limited explanation of the appropriateness of the Majority of the explanation of the appropriateness of the Appropriate explanation of the methodology used has been provided. Excellent explanation of the appropriateness of the method used.
STAT6003 Assessment 2 Brief Presentation – Individual Page 3 of 4
methods used
the graphical and numerical methods used to present the data.
methosds used and/or the graphical part or the numerical part of the explanation is missing.
methodology used is correc, however some mistakes are present. The student shows good working knowledge of both numerical and graphical presentation of data.
The student has shown great understanding of both graphical and numerical presentation of data.
Language and
Very badly written, incorrect grammar, inappropriate language used. No proper structure of the document badly organised with no logical flow and not appealing visually.
The document is missing referencing.
Presenter does not appear rehearsed.
Presenter’s nonverbal communication distracts from the presentation. Presenter does not use strategies to engage the audience.
Presenter reads directly from notes.
Language and presented of very low level.
Not completed. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing needs significant improvement.
Overall the presentation lacks attention to detail and has not been carefully thought through. The document is very poorly referenced.
Presenter appears somewhat rehearsed. Presenter attempts to use appropriate facial expressions, eye contact, tone, grooming and confident.
Presenter attempts to use some strategies to engage the audience. Presenter is frequently reliant on notes. Grammar, spelling, punctuation and presentation need improvement.
The presentation serves its purpose but it is not visually very appealing. The document is partially referenced.
Presenter appears rehearsed and prepared. Presenter uses appropriate facial expressions, eye contact, interesting tone with some exceptions.
Presenter uses effective strategies to engage the audience Occassionally uses notes. Adequate grammar, spelling, punctuation and professional presentation.
The presentation is visually appealing. Appropriate referencing has been provided.
Presenter uses effective strategies to engage the audience. Presenter is not reliant on notes.
Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation and professional presentation.
The presentation is very visually appealing.
Appropriate referencing has been provided.
Presenter uses effective strategies to engage the audience. Presenter is not reliant on notes and does not appear to have memorised the presentation.
STAT6003 Assessment 2 Brief Presentation – Individual Page 4 of 4
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