This assignment is 1/4 done, attach is the research on URICA but its missing some additional info….
you need to include the following specific information in order to receive full credit for the assignment:
1)The Test- cost, time to take the test, theory behind the test, number of items, age appropriateness, and any other information relevant to teaching me about the test ( Approximately one page double spaced)
2)Reviewer #1- norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness, validity, reliability, final comments ( At a Minimum, one page double spaced)
3)Reviewer #2- norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness, validity, reliability, final comments ( At a Minimum, one page double spaced)
4) Your thoughts on norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness validity, reliability, final comments about using the test. Why or why not. (At a Minimum, one page double spaced). I want your thoughts based on specific information and not just opinions such as “I don’t like the GRE’s” or “I don’t think it’s fair to subject students to standardize testing.” I want to know what you think about the norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness validity, reliability based specifically on what you learned from both reviewers and any other source.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."