The registrar’s database of rooms, students, and courses is stored in three data structures
The registrar’s database of rooms, students, and courses is stored in three data structures:all_rooms is a dictionary that contains one pair for each classroom at Wassamatta U. The key is the room’s name (a string); the value is the room’s capacity (an integer).all_courses is a list in which each element represents one course offered at Wassamatta U. These elements are dictionaries called “course records.” Each course record has five keys, which are always named course id, name, time, room, and credits. The corresponding values can be different for each course record. They are:course id: the unique course ID (an integer)
name: the full course name (a string)
time: the time slot in which the course meets (a string)
room: the name of the room in which the course meets (a string)
credits: the number of credits for the course (an integer)
all_students is a dictionary that contains one pair for each student enrolled at Wassamatta U. The key is the students’s unique ID number (an integer), and the value is a list of course IDs (integers).It is fine for you to use these data structures in the body of your functions even though they are not passed in as arguments.What You Need to Do
Here are the functions you will need to ensure work correctly:total_rooms()This function should return the total number of classrooms at Wassamatta U. Fortunately, IT was able to recover the code for this function, so you will not need to reimplement it.total_courses()This function should return the total number of courses offered at Wassamatta U.total_students()This function should return the total number of students enrolled at Wassamatta U.room_exists(capacity)This function should return True if there is a room with exactly this capacity at Wassamatta U. and False otherwisestudent_is_enrolled(student_id)This function should return True if a student with student ID number student_id is enrolled at Wassamatta U, and False otherwise. Fortunately, IT was able to recover the code for this function, so you will not need to reimplement it.course_is_offered(course_name)This function should return True if a course with this name is ***** ***** Wassamatta U. and False otherwise.biggest_room()This function should return the name of the room with the largest capacity.total_courses(student_id)This function takes as an argument a student ID number. It should return the total number of courses the student with that student ID number is ***** enrolled in.total_credits(student_id)This function takes as an argument the student ID number of a student in the dictionary students. It should return the total number of credits for the courses in courses the student with that student ID number is ***** enrolled in.check_conflict(course_id1, course_id2)This function takes two course ID numbers as arguments. It should return True if the courses meet in the same room at the same time, and False otherwise (i.e., if they meet in different rooms or at different times).Note: Two time slots overlap only if and only if they are identical as strings.check_all_conflicts()This function should return True if any two distinct courses meet in the same room at the same, and False otherwise.check_over_capacity(course_id)This function should return True if the number of students enrolled in the course with course ID number course_id is equal to or less than the capacity of the room in rooms_list in which the course meets, and False otherwise.Hints: Some of these functions require you to do the same subtasks. We recommend writing them in the order listed. You will find that some of the later functions build on the earlier ones. When you recognize that you are doing something similar to something you have already done, you could:Copy your code from the old function into the new one and make appropriate changes.
Call the old function from the new function.
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