The Relationship Between Poverty, Development, And Governance
In order to enhance economic security and eliminate extreme poverty, international organizations and state leaders promote development. Thus, the discussion in this module focuses on the concept of development and debates about what development methods are most successful. Regarding the first two readings, the Reveron and Mahoney-Norris chapter discusses the meaning of and connections between development, poverty, and governance, while the chapters in the book by Nobel prize-winning economist Amartya Sen offer an expanded conceptualization of development. The last two readings exemplify the ongoing debate in policy circles about the most effective means to provide economic security. Sachs offers one perspective on the importance of foreign assistance as a means to eliminate poverty, while Moyo offers a counter-perspective. As you are reading, carefully consider the discussion questions.
- Human Security in a Borderless World – Read Chapter 3 – Economic Security (pp. 69-97).
- Development as Freedom – Read Chapters 1 and 2.
- The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time ( ATTACHED).Read this online transcript of Joanne Myers interviewing Jeffrey Sachs, author.
- Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa (ATTACHED)Read this online transcript of Joanne Myers interviewing Dambisa Moyo, author.
Based on the readings, post responses to the following questions using a minimum of 500 words and proper citations (not included in word count) as appropriate.
- The readings refer to the concept of “development” as crucial to alleviating poverty and promoting economic security. What are the various ways “development” is conceptualized in these readings?
- What is the relationship between poverty, development, and governance? Can poverty be alleviated without good governance in a country? Discuss your thoughts on the debate over the value of continued international assistance to states with bad governance (see pp.82-83 in Reveron and Mahoney-Norris, as well as the Sachs and Moyo readings).
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