Think of a blended family you have known and how they operated.
Think of a blended family you have known and how they operated. Write a paper addressing the following questions.
- What did these families do that help them function?
- What strengths did they manifest, and what difficulties did they struggle with?
- How were they alike and unlike other families you have known?
Your paper should be two pages in length and written according to APA format. Remember to cite the readings in your paper and include a reference list.
Weekly Application Assignment RubricWeekly Application Assignment RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Response4 ptsClearly & effectively responds to assignment.3 ptsResponse to assignment generally adequate & thorough.2 ptsMinimally responds to the assignment.1 ptsDoes not respond well to assignment.4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMain Idea4 ptsMain idea (Application assignment) very clearly stated & topic is effectively limited.3 ptsMain idea clear & topic is limited.2 ptsMain idea clear or implicit & topic is partially limited.1 ptsMain idea unclear & topic only partially limited.4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport4 ptsApplication assignment supported by a variety of relevant facts, examples, & illustrations from experience, references to related readings, etc.3 ptsApplication assignment is well-supported in body of paper by facts, examples, illustrations though support may not be as vivid as the “A” essay.2 ptsApplication assignment generally supported in body of paper by facts, examples, details. No more than one paragraph with inadequate support.1 ptsApplication assignment supported in body of paper by few facts, examples, details. More than one paragraph with inadequate support.4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling and Grammar4 ptsFew, if any, minor errors in sentence construction, usage, grammar, or mechanics.3 ptsThere may be a few minor or major errors in sentence construction, usage, grammar, or mechanics.2 ptsThere are some common errors (major and minor) in sentence construction and mechanics but the writer generally demonstrates a correct sense of syntax.1 ptsThere are numerous minor errors and some major errors. Sentence construction is below mastery and may display a pattern of errors in usage and mechanics.4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences4 ptsSupportive references material is incorporated logically & insightfully. Supportive references are documented accurately.3 ptsSupportive reference material incorporated logically. Supportive references documented accurately.2 ptsSupportive reference material incorporated adequately & usually documented accurately.1 ptsSupportive references material incorporated but sometimes inappropriately or unclearly. Documentation is accurate only occasionally.4 pts
Please read the following for this week as well as All Week 3 Online Course Materials:
- Gold, J. M. (2015). Stepping In, Stepping Out: Creating Stepfamily Rhythm. Wiley.
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Bliss, B. (n.d.). Step families. Parenthood in America. Retrieved from
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