Unbeknownst to the people on Earth
Unbeknownst to the people on Earth, an alien invasion has been going
on for years, setting certain genetic markers in order to brainwash them
to do the alien’s bidding. Recently, this plot was discovered and
scientists are now rushing to find out how prevalent this problem is.
They have developed an oddly specific test based on the genetic
markers that the aliens use for their mind control.
This test involves putting the genetic markers in sorted order and
checking whether, for sufficiently many indices, the value at that index is
too close to said index, indicating that it was artificially set. If a person is
being controlled by the aliens, we aim to break the aliens’ influence by
reverting one of the genetic markers. To make it harder for the aliens to
counteract this procedure, we need to pick a random genetic marker
that they modified.
Your job is to help write the required algorithms to perform these tasks
and save the human race, before all hope is lost! Good luck! The fate of
humanity rests on your shoulders…
About the code
Implement the functions in invasion.py where all the code for this
assignment resides.
is_sorted(A: list) -> bool
: A list of integers
boolean (True, False or None if A is None)
Returns whether the integers stored in A are sorted in increasing order.
count_markers(A: list, c: int) -> int
A: Genetic Markers (a sorted list of integers)
c: an integer threshold.
integer : The number of markers that satisfy the condition.
Note: when A is None, then return None
Returns the number of indices i such that
Where i is the index of the element in array A.
Important: The implementation should be a divide-and-conquer
algorithm that runs in O(log n) time.
break_control(A: list, c: int) -> int
A: Genetic Markers (a sorted list of integers)
c: an integer threshold
Integer: A random index of a number that satisfies the
Note: when A is None, then return None
If there is no index that can be returned, then return
Returns a random index i that satisfies:
Important: The implementation should be a divide-and-conquer
algorithm that runs in O(log n) time.
About the testing
We will be doing git submissions to submit the work to be unit tested.
Your code should produce the outcome expected by the input we
It should handle cases defined above including the use of None.
We will be testing that your code runs according to the
complexities defined.
Divide and conquer is expected to run in O(log n) time.
An array loop is O(n) time.
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