What Being A Boy/Girl/Man/Woman Means To David Reimer/Jennifer Boylan
John Colapinto’s book As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised a Girl introduces you to a story that examines the role of nature and nurture as influences on gender identity. David Reimer (Bruce Reimer) was unknowingly born a male but raised as a female. By comparison, Jennifer Boylan’s autobiographical book She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders immerses you in the turmoil of her gender identity disorder and takes you through her transformation from male to female.
In this paper, choose one of the books, and using some of the scientific theories of gender identity examine the relative influence of nature and nurture for David Reimer or Jennifer Boylan. Please address the following questions:
• What does being a boy/girl/man/woman mean to David Reimer/Jennifer Boylan? Is this a result of nature or nurture?
• What signaled gender to David Reimer/Jennifer Boylan (e.g., body parts, clothing, toys, friends, lovers)?
• Both David and Jennifer define and ultimately redefine their gender. How does this work both within and against complex social and cultural forces?
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