What Forces prevented the Federal Government from delivering Full-Freedom and Equality to African Americans during and after the Reconstruction Period?

What Forces prevented the Federal Government from delivering Full-Freedom and Equality to African Americans during and after the Reconstruction Period?


History 17A Paper Assignment

Radical Reconstruction: A Brief History with Documents

It is very important to follow all of these instructions to do well on this assignment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me so I can help you sort them out.

Due Date: Please upload your paper into Canvas as a Microsoft Word or PDF document by the due date.

No late papers!

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After reading Radical Reconstruction: A Brief History with Documents, please answer ONE of the following three questions:

What were the fundamental differences between Presidential Reconstruction (the policies advocated for by President Lincoln and President Johnson) and Radical Reconstruction? Which set of policies were better for the nation? Be sure to address the interrelated issues of freedom, citizenship, the right to vote, equality and economic opportunity for all Americans.
What were the successes and failures of Radical Reconstruction? Be sure to address the interrelated issues of freedom, citizenship, the right to vote, equality and economic opportunity for all Americans.
What forces prevented the federal government from delivering full-freedom and equality to African Americans during and after the Reconstruction period?

The paper must:

Make reference to at least three of the primary documents from the book, preferably more.
Be between three and four pages (approximately 1000 words) in length.
Be double-spaced.
Be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.
Have 1″ margins on the top and bottom and 1.25″ margins on the left and right.
Have page numbers on each page except for the first page.
Have your name, class, and the class days and time on the top, right corner of the first page:

Jane Lopez
History 17A
MWF 10am

Use footnotes for purposes of citation (see next page for instructions).

There is NO NEED:

For a title page.
For a works cited page.
To consult any materials other than the Radical Reconstruction: A Brief History with Documents.

Please do NOT:

Use block quotes (a block quote is a quote that is more than two full lines).
Over quote (there should be no more than two quotes per paragraph for the purposes of this assignment and a good rule of thumb would be to average one quote per paragraph, although not all paragraphs will have a quote).
Use quotes in topic sentences.
Use free-standing quotes (instead use quotes to support an idea or point and integrate quotes into the flow of your text rather than merely plopping them into a paragraph without setting them up).

Footnotes: Using the footnote feature varies from program to program and version of program to version of program. When using Microsoft Word, you either click “References” or “Insert” (depending on the version) located on the toolbar, then click either “References” or “Insert Footnote” and then click “OK.” A small “1” will appear where your cursor is located and you will be bumped to the bottom of the page (see example below).[1] The number at the end of the citation is the page in which you took the quote or retrieved the information.

Note: once you fully cite a book then you should use the abbreviated means of citing your source, known as “Ibid.” For example:

Prince noted that despite substantial differences, “Lincoln worked with congressional Republicans to pass the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in early 1865.”[2]

Because you are only using the K. Stephen Prince Radical Reconstruction book for this paper, you would use Ibid. for every citation from footnote two on…. But be sure to put the appropriate page number after the Ibid. for each citation.

Click HERE

to see how it looks in Microsoft WORD.

Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software, is used for this assignment. See syllabus for more information on academic dishonesty.


[1] K. Stephen Prince, Radical Reconstruction: A Brief History with Documents (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016), 3.

[2] Ibid., 10.

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