When you observe different teachers, you may notice similarities
When you observe different teachers, you may notice similarities and differences in their classroom management styles. Creating a learning environment that supports your style will help you be more effective in developing students’ academic skills and competencies.
Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.
Speak with your mentor teacher and, seek opportunities to observe a different secondary classroom specific to your content area. Your mentor teacher must approve any hours spent observing another classroom environment.
When observing, take notes on how the teacher incorporates classroom management, expectations, and routines in the classroom.
After your observations, interview and collaborate with the teacher about their classroom management and how expectations, routines, and procedures are introduced in the classroom.
Your discussion should include, but not be limited to, the following:
- The classroom management style of the teacher.
- How expectations, routines, and procedures are introduced and reinforced in the classroom.
- How the teacher deals with and handles behavior issues in the classroom.
- How the classroom is physically set-up.
- How technology is used and managed.
- How the procedures help to build a classroom community.
Ask additional and follow up questions as appropriate.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist your mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
At the conclusion of the field experience, complete a 250-350 word summary reflecting upon your experiences and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice. Synthesize what you have observed thus far and what you plan to takeaway, or not, from each observation.
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