write my Strayer Stance essay – homeworkcrew.com

write my Strayer Stance essay – homeworkcrew.com


answering 3 easy questions

Answer at least five of the thought-generating questions from the bullets listed in the reading.Next list at least five memorable events related to reading or writing that had an impact on you and who you are and are becoming.Finally, find a connection between three of the events, and write a sentence explaining the connection.

Stats 200 assignment #2

STAT200: Assignment #2 – Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup – Instructions
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STAT200 Introduction to Statistics
Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup
Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup
In the first assignment (Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Data Plan), you developed a
scenario about annual household expenditures and a plan for analyzing the data using descriptive
statistic methods. The purpose of this assignment is to carry out the descriptive statistics analysis plan
and write up the results. The expected outcome of this assignment is a two to three page write-up of
the findings from your analysis as well as a recommendation.
Assignment Steps:
Step #1: Review Feedback from Your Instructor
Before performing any analysis, please make sure to review your instructor’s feedback on Assignment
#1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan. Based on the feedback, modify variables, tables, and
selected statistics, graphs, and tables, if needed.
Step #2: Perform Descriptive Statistic Analysis
 Task 1: Look at the dataset.
• (Re)Familiarize yourself with the variables. Review Table 1: Variables Selected for the
Analysis you generated for the first assignment as well as your instructor’s feedback. In
addition, look at the data dictionary contained in the data set for information about the
• Select the variables you need for the analysis.
 Task 2: Complete your data analysis, as outlined in your first assignment, with any needed
modifications, based on your instructor’s feedback.
• Calculate Measures of Central Tendency and Variability. Use the information from
Assignment #1 – Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected Variables. Here again,
be sure to see your instructor’s feedback and incorporate into the analysis.
• Prepare Graphs and/or Tables. Use the information from Assignment #1 – Table 3.
Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected Variables. Here again, be sure to see your
instructor’s feedback and incorporate into the analysis.
STAT200: Assignment #2 – Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup – Instructions
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Step #3: Write-up findings using the Provided Template
For this part of the assignment, write a short 2-3 page write-up of the process you followed and the
findings from your analysis. You will describe, in words, the statistical analysis used and present the
results in both statistical/text and graphic formats.
Here are the main sections for this assignment:
✓ Identifying Information. Fill in information on name, class, instructor, and date.
✓ Introduction. For this section, use the same scenario you submitted for the first assignment and
modified using your instructor’s feedback, if needed. Include Table 1 (Table 1: Variables
Selected for the Analysis) you used in Assignment #1 to show the variables you selected for the
✓ Data Set Description and Method Used for Analysis. Briefly describe the data set, using
information provided in the data set file. Also describe what method(s) (i.e., TI Calculator, free
web applets, Excel) you used to analyze the data.
✓ Results. In this section, you will report the results of your descriptive statistics data analysis. For
each variable, fill in the following sections:
• Variable (#): (Name). Fill in the name of the variable. Note: Income was included for
variable 1.
• Numerical Summary. Fill in Table . Descriptive Analysis for Variable with your
computation. Below is the template table; be sure to include the name(s) of the
measures used as well as their values. Since there will be no measure of dispersion for
the qualitative variable, just enter N/A for not applicable. Note: The information for the
required variable, “Income,” has already been partially completed and can be used as a
guide for completing information on the remaining variables.
Variable n Measure(s) of Central Tendency Measure(s) of Dispersion
• Graph and/or Table. Put the graph or table for the variable in this section.
STAT200: Assignment #2 – Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup – Instructions
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• Description of Findings.
– Briefly describe the descriptive statistics measure(s) that was/were calculated
and explain why was it/they the appropriate one(s) to use.
– Describe the results of the analysis in everyday language. Please consult your
textbook and information contained in our LEO classroom for examples.
✓ Discussion and Conclusion. Organize the discussion to address findings for which you presented
results. Briefly discuss each variable in the same sequence as presented in the results. What has
the highest expenditure? What variable has the lowest expenditure? If you were to recommend
a place to save money, which expenditure would it be and why? Note: The section should be no
more than 2 paragraphs.
Assignment Submission: Name the file that contains your completed “Assignment #2: Descriptive
Statistics Analysis Writeup Template” using the following format: “Assignment2-StudentLastName.”
Submit it via the Assignments area in the LEO classroom in the “Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics
Analysis Writeup” folder.
Grading Rubric for Assignment #2
Introduction 10%
Description of data set and method(s) used for analyzing the data 10%
Results. For each variable (10% for each variable):
● Numerical Summary: Accurate/appropriate results reported in table.
● Graph and/or Table: Accurate/appropriate graph or table.
● Findings:
○ Description of and explanation of measure(s) used.
○ Explanation of the results of the analysis, including information from both the
numerical summary and graph and/or table.
Discussion and Conclusion. Described results and provided answers to questions about
Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors.
Clearly presents material graphically. Easy to understand.

motion detection translate to English words.

I’m working on a project that would detect the motion of the hands that show on the camera. For example, if I want to say “Hi”, I would just move my hand in front of the laptop camera and the camera should detect the motion and translate the movement to a written word that shows “Hi”. I need this to be written in Python. I just need 4-5 movements that would be translated from movements to English words. Please feel free to use Open Sources but I need the link of the open sources that you would use along with the editing that u did from the open sources. Please ask me anything if you are confused about anything or you have any question.

Reading materials, answer questions

1,https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=RXY-WN0ahiw2,Most Small businesses lack disaster-recovery plan, survey finds3,Sierra Nevada Brewery Issues 36 state Recall of Select Beers Homework 3 (16 points)In the Suggested Video, “The Reason Casinos Always Win: Meet the Law of Large Numbers: (Topic 4 Suggested Videos)In “Most Small businesses lack disaster-recovery plan, survey finds” (Topic 5 Supplemental)In “Sierra Nevada Brewery Issues 36 state Recall of Select Beers” (Topic 5 Supplemental)What is the Expected Value of a single bet in Albert the Cat’s game? (2 points)Who is credited with concluding that the accuracy of a prediction goes up as the sample size increases? (2 points)If there are 80 tosses of a coin in Albert the Cat’s game, how many chips will the casino likely win? (2 points)Name three risk control actions companies can take to prepare for a disaster that are discussed in the article. (3 points)What insurance related actions are recommended? (2 points)What type of risk did the company identify here? (1 point)If the company made and sold 40,000 bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale before stopping production, how many claims could it expect given the information in the article? (2 points)What risk control technique did the firm practice after it became aware of the defect? (2 points)

YOU will be finding the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss. Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.Example below:Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.

MGT 330 Ashford University

Week 1 – Journal Week 1
JournalIn this first-time journal assignment, go to Section 1.1 of your
text, and watch The Five Functions of Managers video on the five
management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and
controlling resources to achieve organizational goals. How are the five
management functions currently applied where you work (or did work)? How do you
think any could have been applied differently?

It’s ok to write your ideas and experiences here as though you are composing a
journal entry. While good writing habits (spelling, punctuation,
capitalization) are always useful in conveying clear thoughts, this is an
opportunity to share your experiences in a more informal format. Complete your
journal in one page only, being mindful of spelling and grammar.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links
to an external site.) for the criteria that
will be used to evaluate your assignment.

the detail is below

The Diagnostic Readiness Test is a comprehensive 100 multiple choice question Exam that is delivered in an online format. This Assignment is a summative assessment of what you have learned throughout the nurse practitioner program. The Exam is worth 300 points in this course. This is an excellent method for preparing for the certification exam. With the feedback provided, you will be able to become aware of your strengths and weaknesses; thus, focusing your preparation.

fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

ART EXPERIENCE: Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss. Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.Example below:Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.

ENG115 Strayer Stance essay

1. American Academy of Pediatrics 2009 , Choosing a Child Care Center 2. Child Care Aware of America, Is This the Right Place for My Child? (PDF) 3.Child Care Aware of America, Child Care in America: 2016 State Fact Sheets (PDF) 4. Renter, Choosing Child Care: What New Parents Should Know 5. HHS, Child Care Decision-Making Literature Review (PDF) 6. What to Expect, Daycare 101: How to Choose the Best Facility for Your Family .these are the sources to site, use 3-4 sources on this paperwrite a stance essay on the topic “Finding Child Care” 3-4 full pages cover page not included all pages should be numbered.introduction, reason 1 evidence, reason2 evidence, and reason 3 evidence which is the body paragraph. conclusion and sources.1.Use third person point of view (POV) and the appropriate voice and tone throughout your paper2. Write an introduction paragraph, which includes your thesis statement. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7 sentences3.Write a supporting/body paragraph for each of the three (3) points/reasons from your thesis statement. It is suggested that each paragraph contain at least 5-7 sentences.4.Write with logic and with transitions throughout your paper?5.Write a conclusion paragraph. It is suggested that this paragraph contain 5-7 sentences, apply proper Grammar6.Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. It should also have numbered pages, indented paragraphs, and a numbered Source Listexample of how the sources should be listed(Author’s last name, number indicating the order : (Wielding, 1) through out the paperAuthor’s first and last name, Title of the source, date it was published, comment on where you found it, and page numbers.) For example: Natalie Goldberg. 2016. Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within. p.100-126. ISBN-13: 978-1590307946

Matlab problems

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THESE THINGS TO COMPLETE THIS BEFORE ACCEPTING (see attachment) EVERYING IS SOLVED USING MATLABSee the attachment for the 3 tasks needed to be done. The 4th task is creating some kind of simple question that can be solved using matlab ( just creating a question, not solving )Additional note: Saban era is from 2007-2018 for the Alabama Crimson Tide, you will need to find statistics between these years using google.


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