You may work in a group helping each other
You may work in a group helping each other, however, you should work be based on Assignment Proposal and help
each other to develop the mobile-app application. You are free to improve or modify from this plan during
development. Using your Project Proposal as a guide, you should apply coding using Android/iOS development
framework to your components in order to demonstrate a range of coding concepts in a creative manner. All must be
included in your project.
Additionally, the following effective Android/iOS coding practises (from week 1 to week 9) should be demonstrated
by your implementation:
• Mobile App Development and Market Research
• Mobile App goal objectives, UI and UX Design
• Wireframes and Storyboards, Proposal Draft
• Java/Kotlin Bootcamp, Portfolio of Project Professional Plan
• Developing Android Apps, Layout/Navigation
• Activity/Fragment Life Cycle, App Architecture (UI Layer)
• Recycler View and Internet Connection
• Advanced Topics: Fragments/Libraries
• Advanced Topics Firebase Cloud Messaging, Using Geofences
• Advanced Topics: Media playbacks/Widgets, Publishing Apps
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