1. Read chapter 1: end of chapter narratives are not required (estimated time to complete the assignment 2-3 hours)
2. Watch the optional power point video. This is not required, but it is helpful. Time: 29 minutes
3. Download assignment document. PROJECT SHEET 1 Download PROJECT SHEET 1 Read carefully.
4. Read sample document involving an explanation of grading expectations. Project 1 sample Download Project 1 sample
5. Upload your finished essay for grading
6. Please read very closely the response once the project assignment is graded. The response contains helpful hints for project 2.
7. Things to watch for in order to do the project correctly:
**MLA format check: upload in correct format. 5% of the total grade of the assignment (5 points)
**On time submission: 5% of the total grade of the assignment (5 points)
Questions? Please post in the forum provided in this module. I can answer, but other students will do so as well.
Points Possible: 100. 5 points for proper form, 5 points for handing in on time. total of 100 points.
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